Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 12461
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
teamcup Babylon 00:40:34 3 00:13:03 79.22 5.56 343.17 17.5 11.98% 12.61 1.11 92.22% 1.48
teamcup Lucid 00:29:48 3 00:09:33 60.28 4.22 260.78 13.56 11.82% 9.67 1 71.56% 1.15
teamcup Stardust 00:31:54 2 00:15:22 75.75 4.58 361.08 18.25 11.23% 12.17 1.67 71.25% 1.14
teamcup Cosmic 00:26:14 2 00:12:43 69.25 6.33 359.92 15.92 10.29% 9.67 1.92 91.25% 1.46
teamcup Xibalbá 00:25:57 2 00:12:30 68.75 4.17 340.17 16.5 10.61% 11.5 1.67 66.00% 1.06
teamcup aeon 00:17:31 1 00:17:03 92.67 7 465.83 23.17 11.59% 12.83 2.83 74.17% 1.19
teamcup Golden Age 00:14:52 1 00:14:17 81.5 6.5 391.83 17.83 10.55% 12.17 1.67 104.83% 1.68
teamcup Rider of Death 00:10:05 1 00:09:30 63.67 3.5 253.67 14 12.50% 10.33 0.83 89.17% 1.43
teamcup Domus Aurea 00:08:37 1 00:08:16 51 3 240.67 12.5 12.03% 7.5 1.17 63.50% 1.02
teamcup Klymaxx 00:03:03 1 00:02:42 16.33 1.17 75.5 3.33 11.10% 1.83 0.5 57.00% 0.91