Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 8667
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
teamcup Lucid 00:18:50 1 00:18:15 113.17 10.5 478.17 24.17 11.95% 17.17 2 67.33% 1.08
teamcup Babylon 00:18:10 1 00:17:42 79.67 7.17 364 17.5 11.68% 11.83 0.67 60.17% 0.96
teamcup SB - Kubota 1,39 00:18:00 1 00:17:25 102.83 10.33 478.5 23.17 11.12% 13.33 1 135.33% 2.17
teamcup aeon 00:15:44 1 00:15:09 108.67 7.5 418.17 24.5 13.15% 18 2 122.33% 1.96
teamcup Klymaxx 00:15:26 1 00:14:58 83.67 8.67 407.5 18.5 10.59% 11.5 1.17 54.17% 0.87
teamcup Rider of Death 00:12:26 1 00:11:58 80.5 6.33 326.5 18.17 13.00% 12 0.83 74.33% 1.19