Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 16601
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
funcup DevilsDance 00:21:46 1 00:21:11 121.67 5.17 521.83 30.83 13.80% 21.33 3.17 59.17% 0.95
funcup Lucid 00:20:53 1 00:20:18 99.17 5.5 393.33 23.33 12.87% 17.67 1.5 88.33% 1.41
funcup Klymaxx 00:20:19 1 00:19:44 105.83 8 526.5 23.17 10.47% 16.33 2.17 92.33% 1.48
funcup Babylon 00:17:52 1 00:17:17 92.5 5.67 414.5 22.67 12.33% 15.5 3.5 81.00% 1.3
funcup Last Hope v1,0 00:16:46 1 00:16:25 100 6.67 415 23.5 13.04% 16.17 0.83 59.17% 0.95
funcup SB - Vinbage 0,82(nocustombumper) 00:14:54 1 00:14:26 80.67 5.67 351.33 19.33 12.39% 13 2.33 73.50% 1.18
funcup Cosmic 00:14:34 1 00:14:06 56.83 3.33 259.83 12.17 11.63% 9.83 2.17 81.83% 1.31
funcup Mythology 00:14:21 1 00:13:53 73 4.83 368.17 17.17 10.81% 12.17 2.5 86.00% 1.38
funcup SB - Decade 1,26 00:14:04 1 00:13:36 90.67 3.5 373.67 21.17 12.68% 17.33 1.5 102.83% 1.65
funcup slide 00:12:39 1 00:12:11 66.5 4.33 318.17 14.17 10.63% 11 1 97.33% 1.56
funcup Rider of Death 00:12:10 1 00:11:42 76.83 4.33 325.83 17 11.79% 13.67 0.67 87.33% 1.4
funcup Momentum 00:11:34 1 00:11:06 58.67 4.83 261 13.5 11.65% 7.83 1.17 63.67% 1.02
funcup SB - Kubota 1,39 00:09:55 1 00:09:34 52.33 1.83 224.33 13.17 13.29% 8.5 0.67 29.17% 0.47
funcup aeon 00:09:50 1 00:09:29 54.5 2.5 231.83 13.5 13.30% 9.33 1.33 40.33% 0.65
funcup Waverider 00:08:31 1 00:08:03 43.67 3.67 211 10.33 11.08% 5.17 0.83 52.17% 0.84