Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 16466
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
funcup aeon 00:25:37 1 00:25:02 139.33 10 567.33 33.83 13.15% 24.33 4.5 77.17% 1.24
funcup SB - Vinbage 0,82(nocustombumper) 00:20:20 1 00:19:52 114.83 5.33 523 28 12.17% 20.5 1.83 22.00% 0.35
funcup Atlantis 3,5 00:19:45 1 00:19:10 121.33 6.5 468.83 28.5 13.77% 21.83 3 55.33% 0.89
funcup Babylon 00:18:49 1 00:18:14 102.5 6.5 448.17 23 12.41% 17.67 1.83 67.00% 1.07
funcup Last Hope v1,0 00:15:30 1 00:15:09 83.17 5.5 378.83 19.67 12.22% 13.83 1.67 68.83% 1.1
funcup Rider of Death 00:13:51 1 00:13:16 80 3.33 340.5 19.67 13.33% 13 0.83 90.33% 1.45
funcup Kalypso 00:13:12 1 00:12:44 75.83 3.83 332.33 19.33 12.74% 12.5 1.5 82.50% 1.32
funcup Klymaxx 00:12:28 1 00:12:00 77.83 3.67 321.5 18.5 12.84% 13 1.67 98.67% 1.58
funcup Stardust 00:11:00 1 00:10:39 57.17 4 263 14.5 12.48% 8.17 1 48.67% 0.78
funcup Elysium 00:10:48 1 00:10:27 59 4.5 239.17 13.67 13.17% 9.33 0.67 51.00% 0.82
funcup Lucid 00:10:47 1 00:10:26 67.83 4.5 251.5 15.33 14.30% 11.33 1 43.83% 0.7
funcup slide 00:10:23 1 00:09:55 48.33 2 231.67 11.83 13.41% 7.17 1.83 82.83% 1.33
funcup SB - Decade 1,26 00:08:47 1 00:08:26 59.5 3.33 201.83 14.5 15.60% 10.83 1.33 65.83% 1.05
funcup Domus Aurea 00:08:06 1 00:07:45 41 2.83 184.5 10 12.17% 6.17 1.67 57.83% 0.93
funcup Momentum 00:06:05 1 00:05:44 31.67 1.67 137.17 7.33 12.85% 4.5 0.5 58.00% 0.93
funcup Waverider 00:05:44 1 00:05:23 31.5 2 124.17 7 13.05% 4.5 0.33 66.00% 1.06