Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 16548
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
funcup Momentum 00:37:03 2 00:18:00 103.33 4.92 429.67 24.5 13.00% 19.17 3 106.08% 1.7
funcup Xibalbá 00:34:43 2 00:16:50 100.75 4.75 442.58 24.42 12.57% 16.92 2.17 67.67% 1.08
funcup Lucid 00:32:54 2 00:15:56 92.75 6.58 414.5 20.83 11.71% 15.33 2.08 94.33% 1.51
funcup SB - Vinbage 0,82(nocustombumper) 00:32:10 2 00:15:30 87.75 5 379.42 20 12.13% 15.17 1.75 118.75% 1.9
funcup SB - Decade 1,26 00:28:37 2 00:13:51 78.42 4.33 369.25 18.83 11.45% 12.92 1.92 83.33% 1.33
funcup Stardust 00:17:20 2 00:08:12 47.33 2.58 198.75 10.25 11.07% 7.92 0.83 77.00% 1.23
funcup Kalypso 00:24:41 1 00:24:06 123.5 8.83 598.67 29 11.37% 20 2.5 51.17% 0.82
funcup Rider of Death 00:21:22 1 00:20:40 110.33 8.33 527 26.67 11.65% 16 1.33 161.67% 2.59
funcup Heavens Feel v1,3 00:20:54 1 00:20:12 116.5 5.83 545.83 27.83 12.06% 20 2 110.67% 1.77
funcup aeon 00:20:36 1 00:20:01 120.17 6.5 512.67 30 12.90% 19.83 2.5 108.67% 1.74
funcup Mythology 00:20:16 1 00:19:48 103.33 5.33 466.67 24.67 12.25% 18.17 2.67 45.83% 0.73
funcup [SB] лNanaVector7 (Urinstein) 00:17:56 1 00:17:28 102.33 4.17 441 26.5 13.38% 18.5 2.83 82.17% 1.32
funcup Babylon 00:17:44 1 00:17:16 102.17 5.67 452.5 24.33 12.28% 17.5 1.33 95.50% 1.53
funcup Unleashed 00:17:43 1 00:17:15 90.67 6.5 458 21 10.55% 15.17 1.5 130.67% 2.09
funcup Last Hope v1,0 00:14:16 1 00:13:55 85.33 6.17 375.33 20.17 12.53% 13.83 2 29.33% 0.47
funcup DevilsDance 00:11:03 1 00:10:35 65.67 3.33 283.67 15.67 12.34% 12.17 2.17 109.33% 1.75
funcup SB - Kubota 1,39 00:08:11 1 00:07:29 39.5 2.5 183.17 9.17 11.26% 5.17 1 124.83% 2