Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 16538
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
funcup Babylon 00:43:44 2 00:21:13 117.5 6.58 555.92 28.58 11.84% 20.42 3.58 94.33% 1.51
funcup Sun & Moon 00:34:09 2 00:16:36 97.08 6.17 439.92 22.67 11.95% 16.42 2 70.08% 1.12
funcup DevilsDance 00:32:35 2 00:15:49 92.75 5.67 408.33 21.17 12.25% 16.25 1.92 88.92% 1.42
funcup Cosmic 00:27:57 2 00:13:27 73.67 5.08 345.83 16.17 11.05% 11.83 2 69.42% 1.11
funcup SB - Vinbage 0,82(nocustombumper) 00:27:23 2 00:13:13 68.33 4.75 322.5 15.92 11.45% 11.42 2.33 94.25% 1.51
funcup Juventa 3,55 00:19:58 1 00:19:23 114.5 4.83 513.33 27.33 12.48% 21.17 3.17 81.00% 1.3
funcup Rider of Death 00:18:20 1 00:17:53 101.33 6 483.17 24.67 11.64% 17.33 3 43.33% 0.69
funcup Momentum 00:16:10 1 00:15:36 90 4.83 377.17 21.33 13.30% 15.67 2.17 90.50% 1.45
funcup SB - Decade 1,26 00:12:45 1 00:12:17 76 3.83 316.17 17.17 12.07% 14.33 1.5 104.00% 1.67
funcup Kalypso 00:12:40 1 00:12:12 66.33 4.83 323.5 15.5 11.21% 10.33 1.5 86.33% 1.38
funcup aeon 00:12:19 1 00:11:51 62.83 3.33 269.17 16 13.23% 10.17 1.5 92.50% 1.48
funcup [SB] лNanaVector7 (Urinstein) 00:12:03 1 00:11:35 69.5 3 311.5 15.83 11.89% 12.33 1.17 69.00% 1.1
funcup Heavens Feel v1,3 00:11:37 1 00:11:16 67.33 2.83 316 16.83 12.01% 11.5 1.17 45.50% 0.73
funcup Unleashed 00:10:11 1 00:09:43 64.17 2.5 257.17 14.5 13.22% 11.5 1.5 101.00% 1.62
funcup Waverider 00:07:17 1 00:06:49 40.17 2 170.83 9.33 12.18% 6.17 1.67 150.17% 2.4