Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 16546
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
funcup Lucid 00:53:40 2 00:26:18 115.5 6 515.25 29.42 12.51% 21 3 46.50% 0.74
funcup Rider of Death 00:39:05 2 00:18:57 116.08 5.42 487.75 28.17 13.05% 20.58 2.25 112.33% 1.8
funcup Mythology 00:31:16 2 00:15:07 78.17 4.08 369.75 18.75 11.74% 13.25 2.42 101.83% 1.63
funcup Elysium 00:28:08 2 00:13:36 70.83 2.67 326.42 17.42 12.70% 12.25 1.33 70.33% 1.13
funcup Golden Age 00:26:48 2 00:12:56 74.58 3.92 331.08 17.17 12.20% 13.17 1.33 92.92% 1.49
funcup Unleashed 00:26:03 2 00:12:30 65.08 2.42 284.25 15.58 13.07% 11.67 1.25 84.42% 1.35
funcup Cosmic 00:21:55 2 00:10:29 58.33 3.58 256 12.58 11.74% 9.5 0.25 132.75% 2.12
funcup SB - Decade 1,26 00:13:06 1 00:12:31 75 4.17 315.17 17.33 12.37% 13.5 2.17 115.17% 1.84
funcup Atlantis 3,5 00:12:31 1 00:12:10 70.33 2.83 345.5 18.83 12.30% 12 2.33 70.83% 1.13
funcup Stardust 00:10:47 1 00:10:26 53.67 2.83 276.5 13.67 11.44% 8.33 2.17 63.50% 1.02