Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Result-ID: 4698
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
funcup Riders Of The Apocalypse ~Test 4 01:04:44 4 00:15:40 93.67 3.46 413.88 23.63 12.73% 16.5 1.5 91.29% 1.46
funcup Momentum 00:40:54 2 00:19:55 119.17 3.58 499.92 29.5 13.39% 23.75 3.42 61.58% 0.99
funcup Unleashed ~Test 1 00:22:01 2 00:10:33 62.67 1.75 268.75 16.25 12.99% 11.42 2.17 122.08% 1.95
funcup Two Hell Steps ~Test 4 00:17:59 1 00:17:31 88.5 4.33 459 22.67 11.02% 15.5 2.33 60.50% 0.97
funcup Xibalbá 00:16:39 1 00:16:11 92.67 3.67 442.67 23.17 11.27% 17.33 2 98.50% 1.57
funcup Elysium 00:14:58 1 00:14:30 64.33 3.5 334 14.67 10.14% 11.83 0.83 23.83% 0.38
funcup Babylon 00:11:34 1 00:10:59 62.83 2.17 286.33 15.17 12.02% 9.83 1 165.00% 2.64
funcup Klymaxx 00:11:17 1 00:10:49 65.17 3.17 282 15.83 12.70% 10.67 2.83 64.17% 1.03
funcup SB - Decade 1,1 00:07:44 1 00:07:16 39.67 1 182.83 9.83 12.24% 6.83 1.67 86.83% 1.39