Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #7
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league Xibalbá 00:14:56 1 00:14:28 87.67 3 381.17 20.5 12.45% 16.67 2 60.50% 0.97
league Stardust 00:13:50 1 00:13:22 74 3.33 336.83 16.5 11.76% 12.67 0.83 76.33% 1.22
league Elysium 00:10:30 1 00:10:09 54.67 3.33 251.67 13.33 12.23% 8.5 1.17 46.67% 0.75
league Rider of Death 00:04:09 1 00:03:48 25.17 1.33 94.83 5.17 13.32% 3.17 0.5 50.00% 0.8