Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #41
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league Domus Aurea 00:18:32 1 00:17:57 116.67 3.5 455.83 30.67 14.79% 21.33 3 85.17% 1.36
league Babylon 00:18:28 1 00:17:53 107.5 5.5 413.67 26.33 14.61% 17.83 1 49.83% 0.8
league Rider of Death 00:14:59 1 00:14:31 96.67 5.33 365 24 14.74% 15.67 1.33 58.17% 0.93
league Cosmic 00:04:27 1 00:03:59 27.5 1.17 90.67 6 15.38% 4.17 1 87.00% 1.39