Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #40
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league Stardust 00:14:49 1 00:14:28 82 2.33 368.5 20.5 13.04% 15.33 1.5 45.33% 0.73
league Cosmic 00:13:51 1 00:13:16 80.83 4.33 324.83 18.5 13.51% 14.17 1.33 91.50% 1.46
league Xibalbá 00:10:11 1 00:09:43 57.83 2 248.67 14 13.24% 10 1 104.83% 1.68
league Rider of Death 00:03:21 1 00:03:00 19.83 1 77.5 4.83 14.09% 2.17 0.5 64.83% 1.04