Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #34
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league Golden Age 00:17:44 1 00:17:09 99.17 5.83 430.33 23.67 12.55% 17 2.17 94.33% 1.51
league Cosmic 00:16:38 1 00:16:10 92 5 407.33 21.83 11.96% 16.83 2.33 93.83% 1.5
league Rider of Death 00:16:15 1 00:15:40 100 5.5 415.33 23.33 12.44% 16.5 0.83 182.83% 2.93
league Xibalbá 00:16:12 1 00:15:37 87.67 6.17 402 20.67 11.75% 13.5 2.33 125.67% 2.01