Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #23
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league Golden Age 00:19:05 1 00:18:30 113.83 5.83 481 27.67 13.00% 19.17 1.67 119.00% 1.91
league Rider of Death 00:13:30 1 00:12:55 77 4.67 350.67 17.67 11.73% 11.83 0.5 106.00% 1.7
league Klymaxx 00:12:39 1 00:12:11 78.33 6.5 321.83 17.17 12.02% 12.5 0.5 75.33% 1.21
league aeon 00:12:35 1 00:12:07 77.33 4.5 328.33 18 12.71% 12.17 1.17 123.17% 1.97