Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #17
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league SB - Kubota 1,39 00:24:10 1 00:23:35 135.67 7 564.33 34 13.40% 24.17 3.33 92.17% 1.47
league aeon 00:17:10 1 00:16:36 102.83 5.67 412.67 23.33 13.16% 18.33 1 63.33% 1.01
league Rider of Death 00:14:32 1 00:14:04 91.67 4.17 357.83 22.17 14.10% 15.5 2.5 106.17% 1.7
league Xibalbá 00:07:53 1 00:07:32 48.67 1.33 190 11.33 13.87% 9.33 1 55.83% 0.89