Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Match #110
Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
league Rider of Death 00:12:45 1 00:12:10 72.17 5.17 325.67 17.33 11.92% 10 1.67 114.67% 1.83
league Golden Age 00:11:42 1 00:11:14 65.67 4.33 293.33 15.33 12.33% 10.5 1.83 74.83% 1.2
league Xibalbá 00:08:34 1 00:08:06 34.5 2.33 157.67 7.83 11.79% 5.17 0.83 57.67% 0.92
league Lucid 00:08:11 1 00:07:50 51 3.5 203.5 11.17 13.08% 8.33 1.5 50.17% 0.8