Map Statistics with average values per player in a match

Event Map Name Map Playtime Times Played Average Playtime Points Passing Rockets Killing Accuracy Ball Hits Backstabs Player Captured Capture Time
fastcup Golden Age 00:28:02 1 00:27:13 111.83 5.5 565.83 29 11.33% 18.33 3.33 121.33% 1.94
fastcup Babylon 00:21:49 1 00:21:14 121.83 6 565.67 30.17 12.40% 21.5 2.33 77.67% 1.24
fastcup slide 00:20:15 1 00:19:41 77.33 4.83 351.67 17.5 11.98% 11.67 1 75.50% 1.21
fastcup SB - Decade 1,26 00:19:43 1 00:19:15 112.83 6 489 28 12.63% 19.33 2.5 57.33% 0.92
fastcup Atlantis 3,5 00:17:38 1 00:16:57 87 4.83 407.83 22.67 11.96% 13.33 3.33 75.33% 1.21
fastcup Xibalbá 00:16:53 1 00:16:19 99.83 4.33 448.67 27 12.62% 16.83 3.5 94.83% 1.52
fastcup Last Hope v1,0 00:16:10 1 00:15:28 84.17 5.33 426.17 20.83 11.29% 11.83 2.17 106.00% 1.7
fastcup Mythology 00:14:53 1 00:14:19 75 4.33 361.33 16.5 10.75% 13.5 2.33 157.83% 2.53
fastcup Rider of Death 00:11:50 1 00:11:15 72.5 4 305.67 15 12.20% 13 1.5 119.33% 1.91
fastcup Klymaxx 00:09:05 1 00:08:37 42.83 2.17 228 10.33 10.34% 6 0.83 90.17% 1.44
fastcup Kalypso 00:08:21 1 00:08:00 41.83 2.67 210.17 11 11.01% 5.83 1.83 94.83% 1.52
fastcup Stardust 00:03:30 1 00:03:09 16.83 0.33 87 3.67 9.79% 2.67 0.67 88.50% 1.42